Walk your path to profound healing

Tap into the support, perspective, and listening ear of others in an online group therapy setting.

Grow through the experiences of others

Welcoming people of all races, gender identities, sexual orientations, dis/abilities, socio-economic status, and cultures.

When you’ve experienced a trauma, it’s easy to feel alone in your struggles. Anxiety, anger, difficulty sleeping, concentration issues, and low self-esteem may affect you every day, making it hard to function normally. Group therapy sessions can make you feel less alone, offering a space where you can lean on the experiences of others for support.

Why go to group therapy for trauma or anxiety issues?

They say “a problem shared is a problem halved” and when it comes to group therapy sessions, this couldn’t be more true. The act of sharing your experiences and issues with your peers helps you to feel less alone, increase self-awareness, learn from the experiences of others, and improve your interpersonal relationship skills.

Change with More Ease - In a group setting

In one of our three online group therapy sessions, you’ll have the opportunity to understand what’s going on with you, by listening to the experiences of others. You’ll share your thoughts, feelings, and perspectives with people going through similar challenges, and they’ll share theirs – allowing you to bond, grow, and heal over shared experiences.

Our online group therapy options

Unwinding Anxiety

Our Unwinding Anxiety group therapy sessions offer an opportunity to practice tools, exercises, and resources for tracking sensations and learning to calm the nervous system.

Circle of Connection

Our Circle of Connection online group therapy is a chance for you to develop your interpersonal and communication skills by having therapy-assisted conversations.

Mindful of Change

Our Mindful of Change group therapy sessions offer a supportive space to use mindfulness to develop healthy habits, undo unhelpful patterns, and set goals for your transformation.

Frequently asked questions

Yes, I am currently accepting patients who can avail themselves of mental health treatment as part of their insurance plans in New Hampshire.

An online group therapy session with Change with More Ease usually takes the following format:

  • Check-in: Everyone introduces themselves and shares updates or current feelings
  • Group discussion: I’ll facilitate a discussion around a specific topic or theme
  • Processing: Everyone reflects on their thoughts and feelings in response to the discussion or each other’s experiences
  • Skill-building: I’ll teach you all mindful practices, coping strategies, communication skills, or other therapeutic techniques
  • Support and validation: Everyone offers support and validation to one another
  • Homework: I may assign tasks or activities for everyone to complete between sessions

You will likely benefit from group therapy if you: 

  • Seek support and connection with others
  • Want to improve communication and interpersonal skills
  • Are willing to engage in self-exploration and growth
  • Are experiencing anxiety or trauma-related challenges
  • Want to learn from and with others who share similar experiences

Not sure which group therapy option best suits your needs?